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There are many different therapies and treatments to consider for any given injury or condition. Often, a combination of therapies is the most beneficial. That's why we have a host solutions starting from very conservative to, if necessary, a more aggressive approach.


Below are some of the solutions we offer and how they work.

Therapies and Treatments //



We offer the best in high-quality chiropractic techniques and complementary services to enhance optimum wellness. We have a reputation for excellence in choosing the right techniques at the right time to meet the individual needs of the patient. Our patients appreciate that their best interests are always our top priority!



Ultrasound therapy is the use of sound waves to treat a variety of muscle, bone, and ligament conditions. The sound waves cause vibrations which generate heat. When tissues in the body are vibrating, the friction produced occurs at the molecular level. This ultimately causes the temperature in the tissues to rise. This is one of the many advantages ultrasound application provides. It can penetrate deep into the tissues in ways that a hot pack can’t.

During physical therapy, gel is normally used on the surface of the applicator to minimize friction as well as to promote the transmission of the ultrasound waves. The waves are then absorbed by your tendons, ligaments, and connective tissues.

What Ultrasound Therapy Does in the Body

There are generally two ways ultrasound can work in your body to heal and repair tissues during physical therapy services. The first is that it provides thermal energy, or heat. The second is the non-thermal benefits.

Thermal – When using ultrasound, heat enters the tissues at a deep level. This can increase circulation while reducing pain. Heat can also enable muscles to more easily stretch. Thermal energy produced by ultrasound during physical therapy can therefore loosen tight muscles and tendons.

Non-Thermal – Ultrasound also works in specific ways that are unrelated to the transfer of heat. When energy enters the body through ultrasound it creates tiny gas bubbles that gather around the tissues. These bubbles contract and expand at a rapid pace. This is called cavitation.

Benefits of Ultrasound Therapy

  • Increase Blood Flow – Just as cold decreases blood flow, heat will increase it. Ultrasound therapy will cause your blood vessels to increase in size and therefore increase the blood flow. Increased blood flow means more nutrients will be delivered to the area of your injury while waste is carried away. This ultimately enhances the healing process.

  • Reduce Swelling and Inflammation – Ultrasound therapy has been shown to reduce stiffness in muscles and joints while increasing range of motion. Once blood flow is increased and swelling and inflammation is reduced, this will allow your muscles and joints to respond more favorably to manual stretching exercises and different types of massage.

  • Promote Tissue Healing – Ultrasound not only improves your muscles and joint range of motion, but can aid in the healing of wounded tissues. The metabolism of the cells in the tissue are affected by ultrasound. The vibration produced by the ultrasound can help prevent scar tissue from forming.

Conditions Treated with Ultrasound

While increased blood flow, reduced swelling and inflammation, and tissue healing are general benefits of ultrasound, there are several specific conditions these processes can help heal. The following are a few of the physical conditions that can be treated.

  • Bursitis and Tendonitis – Frozen shoulder is a form of bursitis that can be effectively treated with ultrasound therapy.

  • Muscle Strains and Tears – The use of ultrasound therapy can reduce the amount of time sprains, strains, and tears take to heal.

  • Muscle Spasms – Heat applied at various places on or near the site can help relax the muscles and decrease spasms.

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis – These are chronic conditions that respond well to the deep heat provided by ultrasound.

  • Bone Fractures – Healing of bone fractures can be promoted by the use of low-intensity ultrasound. Ultrasound has also been found to be a more cost-efficient and less invasive tool for diagnosing certain types of stress fractures.

These are just a few of the many conditions that can be treated with ultrasound physical therapy.



While it may sound a bit intimidating, electrical stimulation really isn’t at all! When used correctly and provided under the guidance of a licensed and skilled physical therapist, electrical stimulation is a safe and efficacious modality that can be used to treat a variety of conditions.

While individual units and modes of delivery can vary, the standard electrical stimulation device utilizes self-adhesive electrodes placed around the target treatment area on the body. These electrodes are connected via wire leads to the unit, through which electricity can pass and ultimately interact with sensory and/or motor nerves (depending on the type of current utilized).

Our clinics frequently utilizes electrical stimulation in order to provide a variety of beneficial healing effects, including:

  • Reduce, eliminate, and/or control pain (both acute and chronic)

  • Increase local circulation

  • Decrease swelling

  • Improve range of motion

  • Reduce muscle spasm

  • Provide biofeedback (aka improve body awareness)

  • Improve motor coordination

  • Provide neuromuscular re-education

  • Prevent or reverse muscle atrophy (especially after prolonged immobilization, such as a limb being casted as a fracture heals.


Pain control and reduction is probably the most frequent indication of electrical stimulation usage. Specifically, this modality can trigger an innate and completely natural analgesic effect by stimulating specific sensory nerve fibers (including A-beta, A-delta, and C fibers) which both disrupt or decrease the sensation of pain and also elicit the release of certain neurotransmitters which can prolong the pain-relieving effects.



The selective use of pressure and passive tissue tension to facilitate tissue relaxation, flexibility, and relieve pain.


There are many different techniques of manual therapy.


Therapists may use their hands to manipulate and mobilize muscle tissues and joints in order to:

  • Reduce pain

  • Increase mobility and flexibility

  • Reduce or eliminate soft tissue inflammation

  • Induce relaxation

  • Improve tissue repair/extensibility/stability

  • Facilitate movement

  • Improve function

Manual therapy techniques can be used to help the recovery process of nearly any injury.



Although we do our absolute best to avoid invasive treatment, occasionally, surgery is the only option left. We have a duty to provide the best quality healthcare and therefore will refer you back to your primary or directly to a specialist who will evaluate your condition and provide a consultation on the best course of treatment. 

We pride ourselves on discussing the findings with you, answering questions about diagnostic tests and other options should you or the surgeon decide to stay on a course of pain management. 



Anyone with a body can benefit from massage therapy. It’s a powerful stress-reducer and facilitates and enhances the chiropractic adjustment.

It’s been proven to help with muscle and ligament restriction, adhesions, muscle tension and joint range of motion while promoting deep relaxation.

Since the muscles of our body hold our structure together, we need to pay attention to their condition. Muscles that are too tight and taut have the capacity to actually pull the spine out of alignment.

This is why the combination of chiropractic care and massage therapy are a marriage made in heaven.



Traction is a form of decompression therapy that we are happy to offer. It relieves pressure on the spine and alleviates pain from joints, sprains, and spasms. It can also treat herniated discs, sciatica, degenerative disc disease, pinched nerves, and many other back conditions. Traction is performed by skilled physical therapists and/or the use of mechanical units.

Lower back pain (LBP) is the most commonly reported form of pain. It is a major cause of medical expenses, work absenteeism, and disability. With traction, you can find some much-needed relief and get back to comfortably living your daily life.

What are the types of traction?

  • Mechanical Traction – The specialized treatment technique of mechanical traction uses devices that work by stretching the spinal vertebrae and muscle

  • Manual Traction – With manual traction, our physical therapists use their hands to stretch the spinal vertebrae and muscles.

How does traction work?

Traction relieves pressure on the spine and alleviates pain. Cervical traction and lumbar traction are similar, but they have a couple of key differences: with cervical traction, a gentle force is used to stretch or pull the head away from the neck. With lumbar traction, a gentle force is used to gently gap the pelvis from the lower back. Both of these methods are useful in manipulating the spine and providing relief.

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